2020 Zhang J, Shuang Chen S, Gao Q, Shen Q, Kimirei IA, Mapunda DW (2020) Morphological Characteristics of Informal Settlements and Strategic Suggestions for Urban Sustainable Development in Tanzania: Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, and Kigoma. Sustainability 12:3807
2020J. S. Lucas, M. M. McGlue, I. A. Kimirei, M.J. Soreghan, A. Mbonde, K.M. Yeager, P. Limbu, C. Apse, P.B. McIntyre (2020): Geophysical benthic habitat mapping in Lake Tanganyika (Tanzania): Implications for spatial planning of small-scale coastal protected areas, Journal of Great Lakes Research,
2020Ryan, E.K., Soreghan, M.J., McGlue, M.M., Todd, J.A., Michel, E., Kaufman, D.S., Kimirei, I. (2020) Paleoenvironmental implications of time-averaging and taphonomic variation of shell beds in Lake Tanganyika, Africa. Palaios 35, 49-66, 18.
2020Russell JM, Barker P, Cohen A, Ivory S, Kimirei I, Lane C, Leng M, Maganza N, McGlue M, Msaky E, Noren A, Park Boush L, Salzburger W, Scholz C, Tiedemann R, Nuru S (2020) ICDP workshop on the Lake Tanganyika Scientific Drilling Project: a late Miocene–present record of climate, rifting, and ecosystem evolution from the world's oldest tropical lake. Scientific Drilling 27:53-60
2019Mgana, H., Kraemer, B.M., O’Reilly, C.M., Staehr, P.A., Kimirei, I.A., Apse, C., Leisher, C., Ngoile, M., McIntyre, P.B. (2019) Adoption and consequences of new light-fishing technology (LEDs) on Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. PLOS ONE 14, e0216580
2019Semba, M., Lumpkin, R., Kimirei, I., Shaghude, Y., Nyandwi, N. (2019) Seasonal and spatial variation of surface current in the Pemba Channel, Tanzania. PLOS ONE 14, e0210303
2019Shen, Q., Zhang, L., Kimirei, I.A., Wang, Z., Gao, Q., Chen, S., Yu, C. (2019) Vertical physicochemical parameter distributions and health risk assessment for trace metals in water columns in eastern Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 37, 134–145.
2018Krasny, M., DuBois, B., Adameit, M., Atiogbe, R., Baih, L., Bold-erdene, T., Golshani, Z., González-González, R., Kimirei, I., Leung, Y., Shian-yun, L., Yao, Y. (2018) Small Groups in a Social Learning MOOC (slMOOC): Strategies for Fostering Learning and Knowledge Creation. 2018 22, 119-139. doi:110.24059/olj.v24022i24052.21339
2018Mziray, P., Kimirei, I.A., Staehr, P.A., Lugomela, C.V., Perry, W.L., Trolle, D., OReilly, C.M., Mgana, H.F. (2018) Seasonal patterns of thermal stratification and primary production in the northern parts of Lake Tanganyika. Journal of Great Lakes Research 44, 1209-1220. DOI: 1210.1016/j.jglr.2018.1208.1015.
2016Mziray P and Kimirei IA (2016) Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in marine fishes (Siganus sutor, Lethrinus harak, and Rastrelliger kanagurta) from Dar es Salaam Tanzania. Regional Studies in Marine Science 7:72-80. doi:10.1016/j.rsma.2016.05.014
2016Semba M, Kimirei I, Kyewalyanga M, Peter N, Brendonck L, Somers B. (2016) The decline in phytoplankton biomass and prawn catches in the Rufiji-Mafia Channel, Tanzania. WIO Journal of Marine Science 15: 15-29
2015Kimirei IA, Nagelkerken I, Slooter N, Gonzalez ET, Huijbers CM, Mgaya YD, Rypel AL (2015) Demography of fish populations reveals new challenges in1 appraising juvenile habitat values. Marine Ecology Progress Series 518:225-237
2014Igulu MM, Nagelkerken I, Dorenbosch M, Grol MG, Harborne AR, Kimirei IA, Mumby PJ, Olds AD, Mgaya YD (2014) Mangrove Habitat Use by Juvenile Reef Fish: Meta-Analysis Reveals that Tidal Regime Matters More than Biogeographic Region. PloS one 9:e114715
2014Loiselle S., Cozar A., Adgo E., Ballatore T., Chavula G., Descy J.-P, Harper D., Kansiime F., Kimirei I.A., Langenberg V., Ma R., Sarmento H., Odada, E. (2014) Decadal Trends and Common Dynamics of the Bio-Optical and Thermal Characteristics of the African Great Lakes. PLoS ONE 9(4): e93656. doi:10.
2013Kimirei I.A., Nagelkerken I., Mgaya Y.D., Huijbers, C.M. (2013). The Mangrove Nursery Paradigm Revisited: Otolith Stable Isotopes Support Nursery-to-Reef Movements by Indo- Pacific Fishes. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66320. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066320
2013Kimirei, I. A., Nagelkerken, I., Trommelen, M., Blankers, P., Hoytema, N., Hoeijmakers, D., Huijbers, C. M., Mgaya, Y. D., Rypel, A. L. (2013). What Drives Ontogenetic Niche Shifts of Fishes in Coral Reef Ecosystems? Ecosystems 16: 783-796. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-013-9645-4
2012Ngupula, G. W., Ezekiel, C. N., Kimirei, I. A., Mboni, E., and Kashindye, B. (2012) Physical and chemical characteristics of the Tanzanian inshore and offshore waters of Lake Victoria in 2005-2008. African Journal of Aquatic Science 37(3):339-345
2011Kimirei, I. A.; Nagelkerken, I., Griffioen, B., Wagner, C., and Mgaya, Y. D. (2011). Ontogenetic habitat use by mangrove/seagrass-associated coral reef fishes shows flexibility in time and space. Estuarine, coast and Shelf Science 92:47-58
2009Plisnier, P.-D., Mgana, H., Kimirei, I. A., Chande, A. I, Makasa, L., Chimanga, J., Zulu, F., Cocquyt, C., Horion, S., Bergamino, N., Naithani, J., Deleersnijder, E., Andre´, L., Descy, J.-P., Cornet, Y., (2009). Limnological variability and pelagic fish abundance (Stolothrissa tanganicae and Lates stappersii) in Lake Tanganyika. Hydrobiologia 625: 117-134
2008Kimirei, I. A., Mgaya, Y. D., and Chande, A. I. (2008) Changes in species composition and abundance of commercially important pelagic fish species in Kigoma area, Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 11:29-35
2007Kimirei, I. A. and Mgaya, Y. D. (2007) Influence of environmental factors on seasonal changes in clupeid catches in the Kigoma area of Lake Tanganyika. African Journal of Aquatic Sciences 32: 291-298
2006Kimirei, I. A. and Mgaya, Y. D. (2006) Assessment of Lates stappersii (Centropomidae) stock in lift-net fishery in Lake Tanganyika, Kigoma, Tanzania.Tanzania Journal of Science 32:1-12
2005J.-P. Descy, M.-A. Hardy, S. Stenuite, S. Pirlot, B. Leporcq, I. A. Kimirei, B. Sekadende, S.R. Mwaitega and D. Sinyenza (2005). Phytoplankton pigments and community composition in Lake Tanganyika. Freshwater Biology 50:668-684.
Book Chapters
2017Kimirei IA, Semba M, Mwakosya C, Mgaya YD, Mahongo SB (2017) Environmental Changes in the Tanzanian Part of Lake Victoria. In: Mgaya YD, Mahongo SB (eds) Lake Victoria Fisheries Resources : Research and Management in Tanzania. Springer International Publishing, Cham
2017Mgaya YD, Limbu SM, Lugomela CV, Kimirei IA, Kayanda RJ, Ngupula GW (2017) Biodiversity Indicators: Plankton and Macroinvertebrates in Lake Victoria, Selected Satellite Lakes and Rivers. In: Mgaya YD, Mahongo SB (eds) Lake Victoria Fisheries Resources : Research and Management in Tanzania. Springer International Publishing, Cham
2016Kimirei IA, Igulu MM, Semba M, Lugendo BR. 2016. Small Estuarine and Non-Estuarine Mangrove Ecosystems of Tanzania: Overlooked Coastal Habitats? In: Diop S, Scheren P, Ferdinand Machiwa J editors. Estuaries: A Lifeline of Ecosystem Services in the Western Indian Ocean. Cham: Springer International Publishing. p. 209-226.
